Filed under Childbirth

Everyday Heroes: The Faces of Natural Birth

Everyday Heroes: The Faces of Natural Birth

I realized that so many women around me and in our society in general still believe that natural birth is something people do in the woods. That one has to be super crunchy, not shave her armpits and walk around barefoot. Women who believe this usually also believe Epidural is a part of normal birth and … Continue reading

Water Birth in New Jersey

Water Birth in New Jersey

I have recently been asked by several expectant parents here in Jersey City and Hoboken about their options regarding water birth. If you live in North-East New Jersey and would like to have a water birth, you may be facing the same dilemma and losing your sleep (and nerves) trying to figure out which caregiver … Continue reading

Wake up, Czech Republic!

Wake up, Czech Republic!

I have recently read a powerful birth story where the poor mother compared her hospital birthing experience to being raped. The moving story brought tears to my eyes and they streamed down my face when she made the shocking analogy. I must admit I have never thought about it as such, but it certainly made … Continue reading

Welcome to this world, Sebastián!

Welcome to this world, Sebastián!

Those of you who come regularly probably noticed I have been MIA for the past few weeks. I have three reasons for it. The first one is wonderfully beautiful – I gave birth to my second son in our home one early Thursday morning in March (home birth story coming up soon). Second reason behind … Continue reading

Why are New Jersey c-section rates so high?

Why are New Jersey c-section rates so high?

I have been obsessed with all kinds of pregnancy, labor and birth related research, particularly digging into various interventions which can snowball into c-sections. And I’m not talking about those medically necessary c-sections or true emergency c-sections. I’m talking about the majority of c-sections – those that could have been prevented and never had to … Continue reading